How to get Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) right — A Blueprint
In 2020 Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) is on a high again after the waves of the 60s, 80s and the late 90s. The ups and downs of CVC funds tend to follow the general VC climate, which itself tend to follow macro economic developments. Many corporates incorporate their CVC unit when investing is on its peak, mainly driven by the need to innovate and the fear of missing out on disruptive new business models within their space. However, with a median lifecycle of about 4 years, and an average of 6 year after which most units disappear, the power to stay in business is crucial for most CVCs.
I’d like to share my view on the reasons for this cyclical trend, best practices and answer the questions of why it is so challenging to get it right and what blueprint sets up the CVC unit for success? Working with corporates as LPs, strategic partners, investors and acquirers, but coming from an independent VC and entrepreneurial background I highlight some of the key points for making it work. First we dive into the principles of venture capital, then look at the key decisions in setting up a CVC unit, discuss the main pitfalls and CVC best practices.
Understanding Venture Capital
Wikipedia gives a perfect overview of the industry in its entirety. Venture Capital has been around for a while, specifically in the US, and in 2019 alone almost $295 billion was invested in about 32,800 deals — according to Crunchbase. Its a big and professionalized global industry. At its core venture capitalists invest in companies in exchange for equity with the hope of exiting against a much higher valuation. Depending on the stage of the company — from pre-seed, seed to series D and further — the investment size (also ‘ticket size’) differs as does the equity stake, which typically is a minority stake.
Venture Capital is notoriously hard to do well and not everyone gets to enjoy the exits ‘against much higher valuations’, its actually a small group of firms creating the returns for the entire asset class— it’s a strong power law, the return distributions are very much skewed.
And is a very competitive business. This is not always fully understood by new players such as CVCs entering the VC ‘Arena’, specifically players without prior venture experience on board— that you have to compete with other funds to get into the best deals. The best founders reach out to the funds that they want to work with, usually funds with excellent track records with many exits, having proven they can help scale a company. Given the power law it is not a matter of announcing a new fund and waiting for companies to reach out. In order to be really able to be successful, as a fund, you need to be able to source and lead deals, I’ll get to that later. For newcomers this is a major shift in perspective. Understanding that venture capital is a large, professionalized (The US has its 8th generation of VCs?), competitive and network driven industry is important to up the changes of success.
Key Decisions for Corporate Venture Capital funds
1) Set clear goals
Often the goal of the CVC unit is not completely clear and/or the long term goal is overlooked — and the goals are not aligned with the Mothership. Thinking along the lines of working together with ‘start ups’ to create strategic value and taking time to research the field instead of incorporation one of the three proven models in CVC:
1. R&D or research;
2. learning from trends or adjacent markets and to;
3. drive the M&A funnel.
Deciding what the goal is early on is essential as it dictates the set up, focus, people, processes and mindset of the CVC unit. If there is good alignment between the CVC unit and the parent company the changes of leveraging the parents expertise and attracting high quality entrepreneurs are higher.
2) Financial or strategic returns
Corporations have to decide whether the investments are driven by financial returns or strategic returns. This is one of the first decisions with major impact. Financial returns are easy to measure in IRR, MM or DPI/TVPI for example but strategic metrics are notoriously difficult to define and measure.
This decision also had a major impact on the CVC unit as companies, start- or scale up, are financially driven. Outside of the corporate world strategic investing is not understood well and therefore CVC units which focus on strategic investments tend to invest in ‘project’ type companies rather than entrepreneurs building a company.
3) What stage
A seed stage investment differs significantly from a series D investment in terms of the investment amount, the knowledge required to invest — there is no data available in seed stage — the levels of control, being able to source and/or lead a round, negotiating on terms, time to close and so on. Also a seed stage company is typically working on different challenges compared to later stage. From a corporate perspective start-ups are often all viewed as very small operations working on a an idea and the difference in stages is often overlooked.
4) Venture Capital is long term
Most VC funds are setup as a closed end funds with a 10 year horizon (10+2 model). As a fund manager you are not deploying all of the fund in the first year as typically you would have an investment period of 2–3 years for the initial investments. The founders that the VCs invest in need time to build successful companies in order to generate a decent returns and therefore exits usually occur after 4 to 7 years. Thus venture capital is a long term game and the VCs have to stay motivated to help the company till the exit.
Proper incentives such as carry — carried interest, ‘2&20’ referring to management fees and carry — are put in place to keep the VC team running day and night for all those years to support the ventures as most of the carry is distributed at the end of the funds life. Corporates therefore have to commit to the whole journey or design a path that makes sure the fund can stick to their portfolio. This includes the long term commitment of the parent leadership team.
5) Venture mindset
Given the nature of venturing — risky, entrepreneurial, time pressured, financially constrained, everybody does everything — the people and decision making in the CVC unit are critical to success. In almost every respect venturing is on the other end of the corporate spectrum. The skills required to be successful are the skills you would find in a typical portfolio company of a VC. It is fundamental to incorporate the skills and entrepreneurial mindset and understand the venture world. The transaction or the investment is only the beginning of the journey and not the end. Investing is easy, building great companies and creating returns is not…
CVC Pitfalls
Misunderstanding of entrepreneurship and venture capital
Discussing the pitfalls the overall theme that stands out is that the venture world is misunderstood by corporates. Coming from a corporate culture one easily overlooks the ground rules. If your company has over 2bn in revenue surely start-up A is interested to talk to you? This seems logical but unfortunately for most CVCs this is not the case.
A lot of what a corporate knows about the world they operate in cannot easily be applied to venturing. Venture is a new and unfamiliar world where big corporate brand names do not mean a lot unless you are Google, Salesforce or Intel, e.g. companies with a very strong brand and entrepreneurial legacy.
This, of course, is easy to understand without a corporate mindset: the successful backers and builders of for example Spotify, iZettle, Adyen, Curve, N26 are entrepreneurs and VCs. The knowledge of how to repeatedly build great companies is not to be found at a corporate but the big players in this domain have different names such as Index, Accel, Sequoia, Balderton, Northzone and LocalGlobe. As a founder you are naturally interested in working with them or more specific with one of the partners of the firm. A corporate might be great but it is not a valuable shareholder unless the venture wants to exit to that corporate or if they really need its clients, expertise or capital. However, in most (successful) situations the founders want to keep exit options open e.g. not have strategics on the captable early on and ‘making a deal with the devil’ as CVCs are sometimes referred to by VCs.
Strategic investing
CVCs tend to enter the arena with too high expectations. CVCs have to build reputation and credibility in venture, starting from the back of the grid and learning to understand that a start-up does not want to limit their options (any option). This goes against the corporate nature, usually being the big leading firms in their domain. But in venture capital it is almost a given that as a corporate you will never lead a (early stage) competitive round — given that the required knowledge or speed is not available — and so never set or control the terms.
Therefore having a large influence on strategic matters is not very likely. And if so, changes are either the company is not capable of raising from the leading VCs, the round is too small, it is intentional to raise from that specific corporate or you are that big brand name CVC (GV, Intel).
Thinking of strategic investments purely from a control or influence standpoint is a pitfall. For most corporates that pool of companies is just too small to be purely investing strategically.
Brand value
Venture capital is a network driven business. It is not the brand name it is often the individual partner that has relevant deal flow. Just like with lawyers you need that one individual for what he or she is known for. Coworkers in the business line tend to not see or have relevant deal flow. This is a myth that many corporates understand only after seeing tier A deals or after multiple failures. The thesis is that the corporate’s brand name attracts great companies, but due to the dynamics described above this is not frequently the case. As a rule of thumb, corporates have deal flow of companies that are (pre-) seed, want to exit or are not capable or raising amongst leading VC firms.
The CVC training wheel
Just as in the example of the lawyer, venture capital is an activity that requires a specific skill set and experience, that you can only learn over time. Great corporate professionals generally do not make great investors and vice versa. Access to the external networks, knowledge of deal terms — something that is absolutely not solely for the lawyers — , how to work with founders, portfolio management, being street smart and an entrepreneurial attitude are prerequisites. At corporates these skills and experiences are not readily available, therefore hiring external experienced investors is crucial.
Building a CVC unit based on trainees and corporate innovators is how many CVC go about it but this is not a setup for success. It requires the team to go through the entire VC learning curve in order to understand the business which takes years and result in even more failures.
CVC fund structure, setup and incentives
I already touched upon the subject of the fund structure and incentives. As explained in Pitfall 2, if the CVC wants to invest strategically and set the (strategic) terms in a round of a competitive venture it needs to be able to lead competitive deals. In order to do so, the CVC should operate by a market standard operating model which requires a market standard VC structure in order to align with the market. This is important since the market standard has become market standard for a reason; because it works and people understand it. Why should founders want to work with a partner of a CVC when the partner is not bound by a successful exit through carry and when he has probably left the CVC before it even comes to the point of the exit?
It is no secret that on average the best professionals working for a CVC tend to leave towards a VC within 3 to 4 years. Most common reasons to leave the CVC are: incentive packages, corporate governance structures and success and/or the level playing field. As explained, VC is long term and heavily dependent on the team and its network. Therefore team members leaving has a large negative impact on the CVC. A market standard fund structure, setup and incentive package will result in people staying longer at the CVC. Market standard structures are independent GPs, ~2% management fee and 20% carry and multiple LPs. This is not easy to understand for a corporate but it has proven to be a successful model. Tuck explains it well in this video.
The above can be also true for the leadership involved from the corporate. Often they stay on for 4 years and after a governance change the perspective on the CVC unit may change. As we have seen this pattern does not fit entrepreneurship well as the support should be in place for the whole journey which is often too long term from the corporate’s perspective. Its critical that there is support from the c-suite — preferably the CEO — with clear goals and approval processes.
What is fact today changes tomorrow
Welcome to the world of venture capital. Jokes aside it is not always understood that fast growing companies may change their product offering, team members, locations, operating model, etc from time to time. It is not a straight line to the finish. How most corporates think and manage their business its the opposite, which makes sense if you are leading your segment and have 10.000+ employees.
Set-up for CVC success
Having a clear approach to the topic is key in CVC success. In building a successful CVC unit it should be the first step to interact with the market — VCs and founders — to understand the business. VC and CVC are both well developed industries and what works and what doesn’t is entirely clear to industry professionals. VCs have been successful in innovation and it’s a proven model that can be copied. The setup for long term failure is in many ways the exact opposite of a typical VC unit:
- Inexperienced and large team with corporate hires
- Corporate governance and approval structures (decision making timeline)
- Lack of market standard long term incentives
- Investing from the balance sheet (follow-on commitments)
- Multiple goals
After this first step of interacting with the market — the market being Venture Capital and not Corporate Venture Capital, it is the same market as they are targeting the same companies— it should be decided what the goal of the CVC unit is. Once the goal is clear the successful blueprints are straightforward, there are multiple options:
- Become the cornerstone investor (LP) for an experienced team in your industry. As a cornerstone investor there is room to negotiate
- Set-up a closed end fund externally — GP-LP — and hire experienced VCs (for example like GV, Intel) that bring the required networks, skills and expertise
- Start investing in Fund-of-Funds (FoF) and focus on co-investment or follow-on opportunities
- M&A. Have a clear and widely recognised M&A strategy
Not one of the options points into the direction of a typical CVC unit and the reason for that is that the approaches above are more effective, as the market has shown for so many years.
But, what if the corporate absolutely wants setup it’s internal unit?
In that case, CVCs should differentiate from VCs, follow a different strategy and have an active M&A approach. For example, the answers to the key decisions could look like this:
CVC Fund 1
- Corporate A is looking to learn from the market, understand developments and create hedges, just in case…
- Its understood that Venture Capital is a long term game, Financial and Strategic investing are not really separated, there are a lot of different investment stages and Corporate A also learned that its typically the well know expert funds or partners that source, lead and close deals. It won’t be easy to get access to the most relevant deals
- To create maximum insights and hedges Corporate A settles on a differentiated strategy. Its understood that if CVC Fund 1 takes more risks than a typical VC would take, it does not impact the parent company much — worst case none of the capital is returned. Even then it won’t effect the parent company much. Vice versa even if the fund performance is stellar, in a classical VC model it won’t matter much: 10–20 companies and even a couple IPOs do not make the difference. Corporate A decides to use this to their advantage
- They setup a large fund, investing out of balance sheet, start to invest in multiple geo’s, multi stage, have a large team plus a lot of support to deliver on strategic value, focus on co-investments, M&A opportunities and have clear investment terms
- They follow VC best practices in e.g. decision making — specifically being able to close co-investment deals on short notice — but do not try to compete head to head with the best VCs
- Because VCs are return driven they can not follow this strategy and CVC Fund 1 creates a natural position in the ecosystem, with a clear brand
This might not be what the business manager, who is responsible, is looking for as the assignment might be different — building a venture capital unit — but this is a viable option for internal units to differentiate. Following this strategy the CVC fund could try to leverage the existing client base to a maximum and create more options or hedges compared to a typical VC fund.